Monday, August 29, 2011

Update:: Sharing.

                                                      Just Listen and read on XD
Why, Hello People who read sim stories and people who I know.  As you may know by now, I haven't updated in a while. And Summer is almost OVER! I know, terrible! I start school on September 7th. But, I do start Soccer on the 1st. Which may be a conflict. My sims is at my Grandma's house, which I go to after school until 4:30. But soccer is after school to five. That really basically kills any simming time. So, my posting might slow down. (Again) :( I am planning staying overnight there at least once a week so I do have time to play. Thanks to everyone who sticks with me! I love you all!

So, Howdy to you still reading. I thought I'd let you in on my real life, just a little bit. (I'm on the right) XD This was at halloween. Before that I had a back to school costume party XD It's featured a haunted house, and that took up a lot of my time. Also the week before that was fair week, So I didn't go to my grandma's at all. I know, I know. Excuses excuses. XD Well, I don't know what really else to say. I'm just glad to know y'all. Oh yeah! Also I wish luck to those in/involved with Hurricane Irene. I am pretty close to it, and my power went out for 24 hours. In my area there has been a lot of trees falling and a lot of roads closing down because of floods. I hear there have been atleast 10 people dead already from stuff falling. I feel so bad. :(

I do have the next post done, well in the game, but I ran out of time to upload the photos and I only got half of them. And what is a post that doesn't end?! I'm sorry. I'm going on vacation until Thursday, too. So, Nada. Hmph. What a summer ending finale?!


  1. lucky! i've already started school

  2. oh and not being nosey, but what is your name in real life?

  3. haha I don't find that nosey.
    My name is Lindsey

  4. oh thts funny! my cousin's name is lindsay!! :)


How Long I've worked on this.....

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